chia seed health benefit side effect to lose weight for busy moms

chia seed health benefit side effect to lose weight for busy moms - Chia seed these days is pretty much the subject of conversation among lovers of organic food . Small , but is said to have excellent benefits for the body , especially for those who want to lose weight .

Chia seed is a kind of small seeds derived from the plant Salvia hispanica L. The plant is grown in Mexico and South America . But lately, chia seed started to go to Indonesia and became one of the favorite organic food enough.

Chia Seed That Have Many Benefits

The taste of chia seed itself tends bland. And to eat , you need to immerse it in a liquid or water for several minutes , and can also be a mixed with other foods .

Chia seed is believed to have several health benefits, one of which is to assist in weight loss. This small form will expand after a while immersed in water. And will be expanding again after the chia seed is in the stomach, which is why chia seed can make people who eat them can feel full longer, and there are believed to help in weight loss.

Chia seed itself actually contains omega-3 fatty acids are very good and the body needs to lower triglycerides. Besides containing omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds also contain quite a lot of fiber, which is at least 10 grams of fiber contained in 28 grams of chia seed. 

Not only that, 28 grams of chia seed also contains quite a variety of other nutrients needed by the body. Among others, 18% of the daily required amount of calcium, 30% manganese, 27% phosphorus, 5 grams protein, 12 grams carbohydrates, 8 grams of fat and 138 calories. Even chia seed also contains copper, potassium, and zinc.

What are the Benefits of Chia seed ?
For those of you who love organic food or raw food diet , may have heard some of the benefits of chia seed . However, the fact still needed more research on the benefits of chia seed itself .

For those of you who are curious about the benefits of chia seed variety , the following are a variety of benefits are expected to be contained in chia seed .
  • Lose weight
Fairly high amount of fiber in chia seed and low calorie content make it credible enough to lose weight . Because high fiber foods generally can assist in making the stomach feel full longer .

  • Good for people with diverticulosis
For those of you who suffer from diverticulosis (pouches that form in the intestinal wall and protrude out into the abdominal cavity), eating foods high in fiber can facilitate bowel movements and allow more water is absorbed in the colon. In addition, fiber foods may also reduce inflammation and pressure in the colon.

  • Acting as a detox and digestion
Remove toxic waste from the body through feces and bile is essential. That's why regular bowel movements is not less important to urinate. In order to maintain the regularity of bowel movements, the body needs foods that contain fiber. With a sufficiently high fiber content, chia seed became one of the foods that are believed to help digestive health and smoothness.

  • Diabetes
Eating 1000 calories per day, which also contains 14 grams of fiber linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. In addition, foods containing high fiber can also keep blood sugar stable.

Additionally, chia seed is also expected good for lowering LDL or bad cholesterol in the body and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmias and thrombosis. In fact, omega-3 in it is also not less high, chia seed is believed to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and sudden death from heart disease.

chia seed health benefit side effect to lose weight for busy moms

Notice Processing Method
In order to gain the benefits of chia seed above the maximum, you need to process it properly. From one case in an impaired swallowing food, chia seed can cause blockage of the food pipe (esophagus) because it is easy to absorb water in the vicinity. Chia seeds can expand up to 27 times compared to the initial weight. It is advisable chia seed is swallowed with food or other liquids.

If you are interested in enjoying chia seed as a daily menu, you can process a variety of ways. Starting from making one of the ingredients to make pudding mix, muffin, or jam.

Kandungan beragam nutrisi yang ada di dalam chia seed memang bisa membuat seseorang jatuh hati. Meski masih memerlukan lebih banyak lagi penelitian mengenai manfaat chia seed bagi kesehatan, tidak ada salahnya memasukan chia seed ke dalam menu harian Anda. Namun ingat untuk mengolahnya dengan benar, agar khasiatnya bisa didapatkan secara maksimal.
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